Monday, April 29, 2013

Suit up!

Iron Man 3 is dropping this weekend. I'm extra hype. I'm obviously waiting to see what these new armors will be like. I'll be looking forward to seeing all the suit ups in 3 because my favorite scenes from the first two movies and the Avengers were when Tony suited up. He did so a few different (kick ass) ways. Been doing a little research. Enjoy.

Mark I - Mark VII

Gotta start with the original, then the beta suit. The suiting up of Mark III was the defining moment of Iron Man 1. The de-suiting of Mark IV was pretty damn fancy. Mark V was the traveling suit, I'd love to have that in my bag on my next trip. Mark VI was the triangle suit, the de-suiting in Avengers was pretty hot. Finally Mark VII, helped save the world at the end of Avengers. That suit up may have been the best. Below I pulled out the three best suit ups for a more particular look:

Suit up from Iron Man

It took a long time to put this suit on (especially when you consider the original suit and the beta test suit) but I remember when I first saw this, I was so hype.

The traveling suit from Iron Man 2

Iron Man is getting owned but that suit up was so dope.

Flying Suit up from the Avengers

My favorite scene from the whole movie.

I'm looking forward to what Iron Man 3 has to offer. One thing we know thus far is that there is this:

Can't wait til this weekend, Can't wait!

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